Even top security researchers can be fished

Google recently announced a “New campaign targeting security researchers“. “In order to build credibility and connect with security researchers, the actors established a research blog and multiple Twitter profiles to interact with potential targets. They’ve used these Twitter profiles for posting links to their blog, posting videos of their claimed exploits and for amplifying and … Read more

“Pay What You Can” Cyber Training.

Wild West Hackin’ Fest offers 3 great “hands-on” courses where you can Pay What You Can. The students will have the opportunity to do hands-on work, in virtual labs provided by the organizers. SOC Core Skills w/ John Strand (Feb 2 – Feb 5 2021, 4 hours/day) This 16-hour (4-days, 4-hour sessions) information security training … Read more

Cybersecurity Researchers Spotted First-Ever UEFI Rootkit in the Wild

Cybersecurity researchers at ESET have unveiled what they claim to be the first-ever UEFI rootkit being used in the wild, allowing hackers to implant persistent malware on the targeted computers that could survive a complete hard-drive wipe. Dubbed LoJax, the UEFI rootkit is part of a malware campaign conducted by the infamous Sednit group, also … Read more

We hired ethical hackers to hack a family’s smart home — here’s how it turned out

Vulnerabilities revealed in smart home devices prompt 1 manufacturer to immediately beef up protections All it took was a white van, a team of three hackers and a phishing email to remotely unlock Johanna Kenwood and Peter Yarema’s front door. The couple’s home in Oakville, Ont., is automated with a number of smart devices, including … Read more

Facebook announced it was hacked – 50 million users affected

Știre în curs de actualizare. “Our investigation is still in its early stages. But it’s clear that attackers exploited a vulnerability in Facebook’s code that impacted ‘View As’, a feature that lets people see what their own profile looks like to someone else. This allowed them to steal Facebook access tokens which they could then … Read more

Cybersécurité : le marché de l’emploi va encore grandir

Plus personnes ne peut s’en passer. La cybersécurité va devenir un besoin essentiel de toutes les entreprises. Le marché, porté par la numérisation massive de toutes les activités de la société, est en plus soutenu par des réglementations qui rendent obligatoires certains dispositifs. … A titre d’exemple, entre 2014 et 2016, les offres de postes … Read more